Family 501


Boy 17 yrs, Girl 2.5 yrs, Girl 15 yrs, Girl 11 yrs, Boy 18 yrs

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Categories: , SKU: 501


Child 1
Shirt Size: Men’s Large
Pant Size: 33?33 or Large
Shoe Size: Men’s 11
Wishes: gift cards, model cars, pocket knife
I’m into: Fishing
Favorite Colors: Blue, purple and black

Child 2
Shirt Size: 2T
Pant Size: 2T
Shoe Size: 8
Wishes: Art and craft supplies, learning games, barbies and accessories, building blocks, peppa pig toys, paint sticks, toddler cooking things
I’m Into: Peppa pig, coloring, painting, cooking, puzzles
Favorite Color: Pink

Child 3
Shirt Size: M
Pant Size: 8 or Medium
Shoe Size: 8.5 woman’s
Wishes: Rechargeable batteries and charger for them, yoga mat, hamper, beanies, pins for beanies, punk stickers, gift cards
I’m into: Drawing, video games, exercising
Favorite Colors: Light violet, baby blue, red, black, white

Child 4
Shirt Size: Juniors xs or s
Pant Size: xs or 0
Shoe Size: 7 woman’s or 6 girls
Wishes: Computer, Board games, crocheting supplies, makeup, waterproof stickers, gaming headphones with microphone, little nightmares 1 for Xbox 1
I’m into: Art, gaming,
Favorite Colors: Maroon, forest green, royal blue

Child 5
Shirt Size: 2XL men’s
Pant Size: 2XL men’s
Shoe Size: 11 wide or 12 men’s
Wishes: Legos, queen sheets, queen bed in a bag, model cars, funko pop’s, gift cards
I’m into: Gaming, shoes, working and friends
Favorite Colors: Blue, red, maroon, black