Our Impact

2023 Lydia Place Impact:


From Crisis to Community: Mallory's Path to Stability

Meet Mallory Davidson, a former Lydia Place client, as she shares her families journey experiencing homelessness to creating a community at Lydia Place.

The work of Lydia Place is more important than ever. With our wait list longer than it has been in many years, we are asking you to continue to help us in our missional work – to disrupt the cycle of homelessness for current and future generations. But to achieve this, our clients need more than just shelter—they need something that we all need. A community. A village of people who rally alongside them in life’s toughest moments.

2023 End of Year Newsletter

“This year, like every year, we have continued to stretch ourselves to meet the evolving needs of our community while staying true to our mission and values. Thanks to your support, we have been able to reach more families, provide more homes, and deliver more healing-centered services than ever before. Together, we supported over 300 families, with 89% of those in our housing programs successfully transitioned into stable permanent housing.

While we celebrate these accomplishments, we recognize that our work is far from over. The growing needs of our community continue to outpace available resources. This is why Lydia Place continues to be strategic and innovative as we look into 2024. Understanding that more prevention means less intervention and holding tight to our value of “Upstream Impact”, we are eager to find new ways to expand our efforts and reach families before they fall into homelessness and incur the traumas that come along with it. We will not let the crisis we are facing distract us from the hope and vision we have for our beautiful community, that everyone will have a home and the opportunity to thrive.”

Ashley Thomasson

Executive Director